Selasa, 27 April 2010

Healthy Eating Habits While Breastfeeding

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that infants receive breast milk for at least the first 12 months of life and beyond for as long as mutually desired by mother and child. The time you spend for breastfeeding your baby is a relatively brief and very special period in your life that you will remember with fondness and pride. Breastfeeding provides an excellent opportunity to enhance a true symbiotic bond between mother and child.

For breastfeeding mom, your body will provide your baby with all the nutrients she needs, even if it means taking them from you. Even mothers who are nutritionally deprived can nurse their babies, but mothers who have better diets can provide better-quality milk to their babies. As long as you eats a variety of nourishing foods and gets 15 minutes of sunshine on most days to ensure that you body manufactures sufficient vitamin D, you can be assured that your milk will satisfy the vitamin and mineral requirements for healthy baby. Keep eating lots of fresh fruits, veggies, and whole grains, and be sure to get plenty of lean protein.

Senin, 12 April 2010

Benefits of Healthy Eating

Most of us know that we need to eat a variety of foods for good nutrition. Nutrients are the special parts of food that a body needs to live, grow, and stay healthy. The body needs the right mix of foods to stay healthy and work its best.

There are plenty of benefits of eating a healthy diet. Choosing healthy foods can leave us feeling more energetic, healthier and better able to cope with our busy lives. It also helps people to look their best and fight illness. Eating the right kind of foods can help to prevent cancer, obesity, diabetes, heart diseases, hypertension and much more.

It is useful skill to recognize the foods which make us feel energetic and positive and those which can make us feel fatigued and negative. With the variety of food products available, eating healthfully can be simple, delicious, and satisfying.